ISOBIO profiled in 5th EeB project review

The fifth edition of the EeB PPP Project Review, published in March 2016, gives an overview of 110 co-funded projects within the Energy-efficient Buildings Public Private Partnership (EeB PPP) under the 7th Framework Programme (FP7) as well as 17 new co-funded projects under the Horizon 2020 programme.

The review highlights current results and achieved or potential impact of the EeB PPP projects with demonstrations of scientific and technological excellence from early stage conception to almost ready-to-market innovations. The projects also illustrate the diverse innovation approaches and the importance of embracing all aspects of the building and construction sectors.

The review includes the following topics:

  • EeB PPP Impact
  • Design
  • Technology building blocks
  • Advanced materials and nanotechnology
  • Construction process, end of life, cross-cutting information
  • Energy performance monitoring and management
  • ICT
  • BIM/ Data/ Interoperability

EeB PPP is a joint initiative of the European Commission (EC) and the Energy Efficient Buildings (E2B) Committee of the European Construction Technology Platform (ECTP).

Download the review on the ECTP site